I don't know if you know this, office candy bowl, but you're a SADISTIC BUTT-FACE DOUCHE-BAG. You seriously have nothing better to do than camp out next to my undergrad-adviser's desk, laying in wait to taunt me??? What's your fucking deal? I mean, not that I care because, you're seriously gross. Mini versions of actual candy bars? Yuck. DOUBLE Yuck. Candy bars are such fugly cowards. "I'm really filled with caramel and nougat but I'm too insecure to show them to the world. I'll just hide behind this soft chocolate veil so you can't judge me." You guys would rather look like turds than preserve a SHRED of your own dignity. Fucking pussies. And as for your whole "bowl" gimmick; just so you know, placing yourself in a bowl does not make you REAL FOOD. You're still buck-a-pound, day-after-Halloween-special-clearance, TRASH that Ms. Mateen DIDN'T WANT TO EAT so she threw you in that bowl out of guilt. GUILT. Got that? NOBODY LIKES YOU, office candy bowl. You should just go home.